Friday, February 11, 2011

Where Are All The Older Ladies?

I recently went to the bridal shower for one of my best friends daughters. 


I love her so much. 

She calls me her Other Mother :)

I can't believe she is getting married.

That's all I can say, I just can't believe it.

It was a beautiful shower. Very Anthropologie, so cool.

But something funny happened while she was opening her gifts. Another friend and I looked around the room and began to wonder, "Where are all the older ladies?" 

All we see are these young beautiful faces. 

Aren't they gorgeous!

Wait a minute, hold the phone. 

WE are the older ladies!

What is this world coming too!

Congratulations to Morgan and Joe and their families!

Pretty is . . . a wedding shower!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bead In My Nose!

Today a little 3rd grade boy was sent to the office to see me. It seems that somehow he had gotten a rock IN his ear. As an elementary secretary/nurse the adventures are limitless! When he got to me in the office I did a little investigating.

Me "So how did you get a rock in your ear honey? Did it happen at home?"
Boy "I dunno. (tears are coming now) No it happened in class"
Me "Where did the rock come from?"
Boy "My backpack"
Hmmmm, my wheels are turning now.
Me "So, did you accidentally put one in your ear?"
Boy "Mmhmm." (lots of tears now!)
Now he must have really shoved that baby in there because I couldn't see a thing. But I knew it was in there. Sometimes you just know. Ya know?
Me "OK, don't you worry honey, you're gonna be just fine. Let me tell you a little story."

So I began to tell him, this sweet little frightened 3rd grade boy, about the time my own precious first born girl put a plastic bean from the game Don't Spill The Beans right up her nose.

She was almost the same age, well maybe younger, but I didn't tell him that. She was supposed to be napping when she came out of her room and said with a stuffy nose,

First born "Bob, i got a bead up by dose." 
Me "What? A bead up your nose?'
First born "Dow! A bead! From by game!"

That's when I realized she had mysteriously gotten a plastic bean up her nose. How it happened was beyond me. Certainly my very intelligent daughter would not push a plastic bean up her nose, right? Wrong.

Her claim, she was just lying there, trying to sleep, when that darn bean just JUMPED right up her nose!

All I can say is praise the Lord for doctors and the special nasal bean removing tools they own. 

I am praying today that for Boy they have a special ear canal rock removing tool as well.

OMG! I gotta go, another 3rd grader , stung by a bee. 

Which reminds me of the time I was watching my daughters friend and a bee flew up her nose and stung her inside her nose! But that's another story for another time!

Pretty is . . . a life experience that gives us compassion for others!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Birthday,

How are you? 
It's been a year since we've seen each other!

Last year was sooo fun.

Every year I look forward to seeing you. 

But this year . . . not so much.

It's not that I'm upset to see you, I just don't having any feelings towards you at all. I don't know whats happening between us. I used to love you sooo much! I wanted to celebrate you with everyone. I can't put my finger on exactly what has changed between us. I'm sure it's me and has nothing to do with you. Don't be sad. Maybe we should just take a break from each other.

Yes, birthday, I think I'm breaking up with you.

Good bye for now,